The weekend that was…

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I am sure you would agree sometimes pictures are worth a million words!So armed with my new PowerShot, I thought I share what my weekends can be like when I am not doing craft,housework or bumming around! :). Admittingly it was one of more fun weekends, when we did a bit of road trip to Bendigo, it is always great to get away even for a little while from the  Melbourne madness, met up with more friends than usual, in short, it was a rather fun weekend.  I hope to have many more..enjoy the pictures, and next, I found a really nice idea on ribbon organisation for some of us,crafters find detangling yards and yards of ribbon not a very amusing past-time. xo  Rachel@NOtaHati

Ring Ring a Roses…

Finally…after 2 months of enduring and mourning the loss of my camera, my travel companion especially my last 2 big trips to Europe and other memorable holidays digital journal, it was with great delight and relief  after much deliberation,research and discussion with Mr former lost Canon Ixus has been replaced by the very popular Canon  PowerShot  S100. 🙂

I am a happy girl again in this aspect and I can start to share better photos of my craft and other happy more pathetic shots from my phone camera and God help me…that I will be using this delightful camera for some time.

Some shots I took last weekend for fun…flowers and nature being some of my favourite subjects of focus, if you like the look of some my random shots…and are curious to check out this little pocket wonder , check out the review on the below video and maybe this something you are after as well.

Happy weekend..back to craft topics next..I promise:) Rachel@Notahati

Skinny Ties for Little Guys: DIY/Tutorial

hello! *bright smile*

Phew! my previous post was pretty heavy stuff wasn’t? But I had been thinking about sharing my own personal experience ever since I read about Project Unbreakable and strangely,in by retelling, recalling what had happened…I feel like this part of me can move forward.:)

Now while browsing the web the other morning , I found this really cute tutorial on how to make skinny ties for little guys (little boys) from See Kate Sew. Puts a smile on my face:). If you have a special little guy in your life and you are somewhat crafty…I am sure you will find this project quite irresistable! Click on tutorial for how to:)

I think it is fabulous project and great gift idea too…Happy Friday and have a great weekend xo

Skinny TIes for Little Guys:Image from See Kate Sew

The Beginning of Healing Through Art- Project Unbreakable

“His hand wandered up my knee,slowly and slyly up into my skirt and then further up to….My mouth wanted to scream in protest but no sound came out except my heart was pounding so hard that I thought it was going to explode from my chest. I was hanging on to the pole in the bus as it weaved in and out of the Kuala Lumpur traffic at peak hour, what  was seconds felt like hours and my palms were sweating, I was confused and felt very violated. Suddenly the bus stopped and I recognised it was my stop, I got off the steps..stepping hard on the feet of the scvmbag (a poor specimen of humankind) who thought it was his right to violate me because he could, and because I was young.  I cannot remember his face, I don’t want to because I can’t forget the feeling of being molested”

The above paragraph is not an extract from a story, it happened to me almost 19 years ago on a public bus and it is only  recently I can actually say that I was molested by a stranger. That I was indecently touched without permission because some man thought he could get away with his despicable act on a easy target . It still makes me feel uneasy when I think of the incident because it was a horrible detestable thing to have happened.  This repressed memory only came back when I was sitting in the tram last month and this man tried to sit too close to me, edging in bit by bit and all the uneasy feeling came back like a wave, I was really agitated. Fortunately I was meeting up with my counsellor that day to talk things through.

And to this day, because I cannot remember his face but only his skin colour,even now  whenever I meet men of the same race background, my initial emotion is absolute dislike ,suspicion and distrust. I usually absolutely would not associate,befriend men of this background unless I have been introduced by a trusted source/friend and after taking my time to get to know them. I still hate what was done to me, and wished it never happen but the sense of being  violated is forever etched in my memory.

That is why I feel the need to demonstrate my support as well share about Project Unbreakable’s vision  and message on survival by victims of sexual assault of all kinds. A positive approach because it gives victims of sex crimes a voice and to let their abuse  know this “f*ck you, scr*w you,I survived your abuse and I am victorious and I am a survivor!” .

I am grateful that Grace Brown started the Project Unbreakable movement and true to the tagline , all the photos shared on the website  have become like  a collage of art pieces with a very clear  message and hopefully each victim who bravely confronted  what happened to them  will find some healing through this process.

Project Unbreakable:Image by Grace Brown

This episode which happened  almost 2 decades ago thankfully occured only once, I was violated by a complete stranger who had his way with me without my permission and  yet I still cannot forget what had happened. I cannot imagine how it must be for those who had endured it for years.

What speaks to me most about Project Unbreakable is the tagline which is healing through art and I can attest that is true because in all these years, craft has been my source of solace and the only thing that make sense when everything else in this world does not. The act of creating something beautiful or expressing inner emotions is a fantastic channel to heal.

If you do read this and have been a victim of any form of sexual abuse, remember it was not your fault. You did not ask for it and you were violated without your permission and you are not alone in your pain. You have every right to be respected and most importantly, seek help and support: Kids Helpline,Reach Out,Women Services.

Must importantly,and I love this quote : Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh”

With love Rachel@NOtaHati

Dominic Wilcox: Watch Sculptures: Moments in Time

When I think of Dominic Wilcox’s watch sculptures, I can’t seem to think of any other words except of the song “Time of Time” especially the chorus from this song sung by Cyndi Lauper in the 80s.

“If you’re lost you can look–and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you–I’ll be waiting
Time after time”

Don’t ask me why ..but my brain has a way of connecting things and I have also digressed from I wanted to share about which is Dominic Wilcox’s amazing work: a series of miniature time-based sculptures using a collection of vintage mechanical watches and customised model figures. By attaching tiny figures onto the second and minute hands of each watch, Wilcox has made unique, animated scenes from everyday observations and imagined situations. Like the one below…

Another interesting clip on how he discerningly  “feels” which  toy soldiers to use  for his sculptures.

Interestingly different way of displaying his observation, if only I had at least extra GBP 600 lying around..I would happily purchase one of these watch sculptures. For more updates, or news on Dominic Wilcox..check out his website

I am glad it is a short work week (Easter)….this week and next, more time to rest,”re-set” and craft. 🙂

PS: March Daisy hasn’t emerged due to busy schedule but she will make the appearence…along with April. xo Rachel@NotaHati

The Falling Leaves, Drift By the Window…

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold….
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sunburned hands, I used to hold
Since you went away, the days grow long
And soon I’ll hear ol’ winter’s song.
But I miss you most of all my darling,
When autumn leaves start to fall

(extract from the song “The Falling Leaves” by Nat King Cole)

Autumn is here and I love to watch  how the leaves in the trees start to change colour,  from deep green to red, yellow and gold and as the temperature gradually drops  Melbournians will try to cramp as much outdoor acitivities, picnics and meet-ups before the season changes and almost everyone goes into hibernation mode until Spring.

Below is  a  photo below of  the leaves fallen from the trees at the back of my home last Autumn, I love the  look of the natural rich mix of colours autumn leaves  so much that I want to be able to bring this into my home.

Autumn Leaves:image from NotaIsiHati

Like the look of beautiful felted leaves below?This can be made using wool roving following this  great tutorial from Living Felt.

Felt Autumn Leaves: Image :Living Felt

Need a little inspiration to get started?Maybe this oldie but goodie from Nat King Cole will get you started.Happy crafting:)