So it has been a week…and a bit

since I hung my desk jockey hat for now and finished at my work  after putting my hand up for voluntary redundancy.

While I have been  sleeping like a baby  the moment my head touches the pillow ever since the day I started to wind down at work (being quite stress free) and the feeling of euphoria of not having to work, after a week and a bit, I am starting to miss the daily interactions  with people (not the annoying ones though!)

I have avoided sitting or turning on the computer as part of my “detox” as I used to spend so much time of a computer at work that I did not have the energy to even consider turning one on when I get home.  Which is also one of the reasons there hasn’t been much updates since the last one…but I have kept myself busy in the last week (aside from attending one of the spring races and having a series of catch-ups), I started some home spring-cleaning (you know , the things that you just never have the time for) and also I needle felted this adorable little critter

Sleeping needle felted fox (by Rachel@NOtaHati)
“and he lay his weary head under the comfort of the stars and closes his eyes on a soft bed of twigs and leaves

I placed the fox in an old vase/bulb pot which I had and added some fake leaves for the effect which I had in mind.

Another project which I had finished not too long ago is my Spring Fairy doll which I made just before I went traveling in September and today she turned up in one of trees in our backyard wanting to play as the spring weather has warmed up a little, in her new green Spring outfit and flowers in her auburn red hair.

Spring Fairy (by Rachel@NOtaHati)
“in her new spring outfit, her little heart is full of glee as Winter has gone for the season as she wanders out to ride butterflies in the wind”

I had so much fun making both fox and fairy as they play on my imagination and at times stories will form in my head as I make them and that is how I come up with each caption 🙂

Next I would be sharing on my finds from the Finders and Keepers Market which I went to a couple of weeks ago…(feels so long ago!)

See you in a couple of days. x